Child Support Modifications in Westborough During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Note: The Pro Bono Pandemic program previously offered by our firm has concluded. If you are currently looking for pro bono family law services or financial assistance, please consult our list of legal resources to determine whether any of these organizations may be able to help. Our firm does not currently have an active pro bono division although we do hope to one day be able to expand our offerings accordingly.
During the Covid-19 Pandemic, our firm saw the pain that community members were going through, and felt it ourselves in many cases. So many people were hit hard financially due to the pandemic. The following post is an archive of O’Connor Family Law’s efforts to mitigate that pain by helping families that were financially strained as a result of the pandemic during that time period.
There are a number of people who are being hit hard financially due to the current situation with Covid-19. We understand that the Governor’s recent advisory and order that non-essential businesses close their doors are going to leave a number of people hurting financially. O’Connor Family Law wants to help our community through this time.
If you have recently had your income substantially decrease or you’ve lost your job because of the current situation and you’re struggling to meet your court-ordered child support, then we want to help you!
We will draft a complaint for modification FOR NO CHARGE for a total of TEN different people who go through an intake consultation with our firm AND you meet the following requirements:
- You must be a resident of Massachusetts.
- Your prior court order must be out of a Massachusetts Probate and Family Court.
- Massachusetts must still have jurisdiction over your court case.
- You have lost your job or your income has substantially decreased due to Covid-19.
- You agree to file your complaint for modification once we get you the final version and then have the other Party served.
- You know the current address of the person you are paying support to.
- The other Party has never been a client of our Firm or any of our attorneys. (There is no conflict of interest.)
If you meet the requirements to request your filing fees be waived, we will draft that for you as well for free. We will note on the complaint that the forms were prepared with the assistance of counsel, but this does not include any legal representation at any future hearing. This is just to help you get started at preserving your rights.
Why is it important to do this now? Because, unfortunately, we do not know how long the financial impact is going to last. You can only have your child support modified back to the date that you serve the other Party. If things get better and you do not need to reduce your child support before a court hearing is scheduled, then you can always dismiss your case. However, you cannot get your child support reduced if you do not move forward with filing a complaint for modification.
If you would like us to consider you for this, please contact us. Once we receive your inquiry, our office will reach out to you to schedule your intake consultation to make sure you meet the requirements.
If you know of anyone who might be able to use some help here, please feel free to pass this on to them!