The Time To Remember

There is no doubt that life can get crazy at times and we all end up getting dealt the unexpected, but with such craziness I think we sometimes forget about what is most important in life, or at least what I find most important: our loved ones. Yes, it may seem cheesy and obvious, but how often do you stop and take in the little moments that pass by all too quickly? How often do you look back and think about how fast time flew or when so-and-so was still here? I don’t think we take enough time to appreciate the good, especially when there seems to be so much bad in the world. It is far easier to get swept up in the negative. But of all days, I think this coming Monday is an important day to reflect and take a moment to appreciate the time we do have with our loved ones, as many will be remembering this weekend their time with loved ones who have given the ultimate sacrifice.
Many people observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries or memorials, having cookouts or barbeques, and/or participating in your local parade. And holidays, even ones of remembrance, can be difficult when it feels like life is throwing the worst at you, but in the midst of darkness, there is always light. So, I ask that, no matter how you observe this coming Monday, that we all take a moment to appreciate that light and the people we have that help guide it. Whether it be your significant other, children, parents, siblings or friends, take time to cherish them this weekend.
I know I will be hugging my loved ones extra tight this weekend (if my youngest will let me. Teenagers. If you have one you understand) and thinking of those who are not so fortunate to be able to do so. So, happy memorial day and don’t forget to remember the good even amongst all the bad.