Divorce Basics

February 10, 2022 O'Connor Family Law Divorce
The Basics There are two types of divorce in Massachusetts, but for all practical purposes, the one you will be most interested is called a “no fault” divorce. The reason for this is fairly straightforward – in a “no...

Custody Basics

February 5, 2022 O'Connor Family Law Divorce
Legal vs. Physical Custody In any custody dispute, there are going to be two major considerations regarding the rights a parent (or guardian) has in relation to a child: Physical Custody and Legal Custody. To explain each...

The Best Interest Of The Child

September 27, 2021 O'Connor Family Law Divorce
What Is Best? When there are issues of custody in question – regardless of whether or not it’s a stand-alone complaint or part of a divorce – the court is going to hold every argument and question against one...

The Cost Of Divorce

September 16, 2021 O'Connor Family Law Divorce
The Million Dollar Question(s) This is inevitably something that every single person who wants to get divorced has grapple with. How much does it cost? How much can it cost? Is it really cheaper to go with someone with a...