The Distribution Of Assets

June 25, 2021 O'Connor Family Law Divorce
PART I: OWNERSHIP BASICS As human beings, it is normal for us to assign feelings of ownership to things. Ownership is, in many ways, an expression of self. The things we create, earn, or otherwise acquire all say something...

I [Won’t] See You In Court!

June 15, 2021 O'Connor Family Law Divorce
We’re going to be blunt here: You do not want to go to trial to resolve your divorce case. Trial is messy, it’s expensive, and it takes control of your life out of your hands and puts it on the shoulders of someone who...

Trauma Bonds

January 25, 2021 O'Connor Family Law Newsletter
It Hurts Toxic relationships are always some of the hardest to resolve because it’s never as simple as just leaving. It’s addictive. Reinforced by intermittent positive reinforcement, codependency is easily established....


January 17, 2021 O'Connor Family Law Newsletter
To Infinity, and Beyond One of the recurring themes that you’re likely to see as you move through a divorce is the idea of reinvention. Starting fresh, doing something new, being that person who you always wanted to be....